Thursday, April 18, 2013

From DC to Limerick

Hello everyone,

This will probably be my last blog. Mainly because I don't have much excitement left here in DC. It will be mostly homework from here on out. I've got a portfolio and a 10 page paper all due before I leave.

But I did go see the Cherry Blossoms. They're really all over the place in DC. My least favorite part was all of the tourists... but I managed to get a few good pictures.

While I was looking at the Cherry blossoms I also saw the Jefferson Memorial

But that was the last of the sightseeing I've done. For class I went to CNN. It was a really interesting day to be there. We went on Monday right after the bombings in Boston. So we got to see how the news reacts to a crisis like this. We weren't able to stay long, and everyone was running around like crazy. But it was unforgettable.

I also wanted to tell everyone I was accepted to study abroad in Ireland next semester. I still have to work some things out with my school, but other than that its pretty final. I will be studying in Limerick Ireland at the University of Limerick.
Here is what the University of Limerick looks like:

I'm really excited to go, but I've got to get it all figured out relatively soon since I would be leaving for Ireland on September 1st.

Well I will see you all soon.
This will be my last blog post for DC.

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