Thursday, April 18, 2013

From DC to Limerick

Hello everyone,

This will probably be my last blog. Mainly because I don't have much excitement left here in DC. It will be mostly homework from here on out. I've got a portfolio and a 10 page paper all due before I leave.

But I did go see the Cherry Blossoms. They're really all over the place in DC. My least favorite part was all of the tourists... but I managed to get a few good pictures.

While I was looking at the Cherry blossoms I also saw the Jefferson Memorial

But that was the last of the sightseeing I've done. For class I went to CNN. It was a really interesting day to be there. We went on Monday right after the bombings in Boston. So we got to see how the news reacts to a crisis like this. We weren't able to stay long, and everyone was running around like crazy. But it was unforgettable.

I also wanted to tell everyone I was accepted to study abroad in Ireland next semester. I still have to work some things out with my school, but other than that its pretty final. I will be studying in Limerick Ireland at the University of Limerick.
Here is what the University of Limerick looks like:

I'm really excited to go, but I've got to get it all figured out relatively soon since I would be leaving for Ireland on September 1st.

Well I will see you all soon.
This will be my last blog post for DC.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

Hello Everyone,

I'm really sorry it's been over two weeks. I'm starting to get really lazy about this blogging thing. I might only write one more after this.

So, last weekend I did two things. I went to the Native American Museum and the Circus!

Native American Museum:

 This will be a short explanation. This museum was cool, but it was WAAAYYYY too much reading. I got really bored after a while. There were some cool exhibits. But really the coolest thing about this museum was the architecture. It's a funky looking building for sure.

The Circus:

So Christina and I decided we wanted to go to the circus! Barnum and Bailey's was coming to DC and the tickets were really cheap. Thus... we went to the circus. Needless to say we were two of the oldest people there (besides parents).

 The Elephants were probably my favorite part of the show. I just think they're so cute!

My Friends Visit:

 So two of my best friends from home came up to visit me over the weekend. It was awesome to see them. And of course we did as much touristy stuff as we could within the 3 days they were here. and for the most part I got them to all the important places. Monuments, Memorials, and the White House.

I also got to fly a kite for the first time! The Kite Festival was taking place on Saturday. I don't have any pictures of it yet (i have to steal some from my roommate) but it was the coolest view. There were hundreds of Kites flying. And I actually flew one! and I can honestly say I had no problems making it fly. I thought it was going to be a lot harder than it was.

And now for the moment you've all been waiting for... my new hair color!

Well, I'll try to write another blog soon.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

The City's Gone Green!

Hello Everyone,

I know it's been a while since I've written. But its been a busy couple of weeks. I'll do my best to fill you in on whats been going on, and hopefully I wont forget anything. so we'll start with last weekend!

3/9 - 3/10


First off, the best thing about this weekend was the weather. It was in the 70's and sunny. It was really a great weekend to be outside. My roommate and I traveled to the Crime Museum here in DC. It was one of the coolest museums Ive been to so far. Definitely a must see (if your into crime like me even better!)  This museum was really interactive. They had touch screen computers throughout with questions and games on them. There was also a shooting game where you got to pretend to be an FBI agent and shoot at a target! that was one of my favorite parts of the museum.

Bonnie and Clyde replica car

John Wayne Gacy's clown costumes

CSI replica room

After the crime museum we walked around town an ate at a hole in the wall wings place. It was so delicious! Sometimes its the sketchy restaurants you need to go in. Then we went shopping in downtown DC.





On Sunday my roommate Christina and I went to the Botanical Gardens in DC. It was a sunny beautiful day again and so we decided why not go look at some cool plants in a greenhouse.

It was such a cool thing. I didn't think I would love it because it was just plants, but it was so relaxing and beautiful I could have spent my whole day there. In fact I plan to go back and spend some time reading in there. It was that relaxing.








The week

I didn't do much that was fun throughout the week, but I did want to let you guys know that I went on a graduate school visit to George Washington University. I absolutely loved it! I will definitely be applying there for graduate school in the future.
I also have been spending this week applying to study abroad in Ireland. I would be going for the Fall semester. So hopefully I get accepted. I wont find out until May though.



Today Christina and I went to brunch at a little place called the Lincoln Waffle House. Its a tiny place right by the Fords Theatre. It was super packed!!! But it was worth the wait. Then Christina and I walked over to The Library of Congress and got our library cards! it was pretty awesome. Now I have an official Library of Congress Reader Card!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Today Christina and I went to the DC Parade. It was so cold here, but it was fun either way. We did end up leaving once it started raining, but we were there for a good hour and a half of the parade. There were so many Irish Dancers and police cars... It was a ridiculous amount of police really.

Christina and I at the Parade

Well, I know this was a really long post so I'll leave it at that. But I'll update you guys next weekend hopefully. I'll be going to the circus!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Best Friends With the Pizza Delivery Guy

Happy Sequester everyone!

If you didn't know before, you will now. The sequester has hit, which means that 1.2 trillion dollars is being cut from government spending. I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty, but I encourage all of you to read up on it. Here's one article to get you started. I know here in Washington DC it is the hot topic of the month.

Anyway besides that not much has been going on here. I did go to the Holocaust Museum last Saturday with my roommate. I wasn't expecting this museum to be so large. It's almost not right to call it beautiful, but that's what it was. It was laid out so well and was very emotionally tiring. Unfortunately you are not allowed to take pictures there. Otherwise I would have taken some to share with you.

A few weeks ago I was asked to answer some questions for  my schools newspaper and today I got an email with the completed article. So I wanted to share that article with all of you.

Here is my school Article

Yesterday I attended an event called Building a Career In Washington DC. It was a networking event hosted by NYU. There were 5 really wonderful panelists, all of whom had really amazing jobs here. I spoke to a man who works for the Secret Service and gave him my information. I also networked with a woman who works for the Red Cross. It was a very successful event and I learned a lot. Hopefully I made some connections that will last.

I'm sorry this blog post is a bit more wordy than my other ones. I didn't do anything to take pictures of.
As for my odd title... Well let me just say that pasta is cheap... and so I eat a lot of it, A LOT, so tonight when i looked in the cabinet and had a choice between pasta and mac n cheese... I went with Hawaiian Pizza. The pizza delivery guy is now my hero.

Monday, February 18, 2013

3D Sea Monsters and Presidents Day

Hello Everyone,

For some reason this week I am having a bit of trouble remember everything I did. I mean I guess that's mostly due to the fact that I do almost the same thing every day. So I get into the monotonous routine, I cant remember what was Wednesday and what was 2 weeks ago. Sometimes it is great to have a routine, I can plan to do things around my schedule and know it wont be an issue.

However today is a Monday, and I am not in class so I am able to break the routine a little bit. Today is Presidents day. A holiday I'm pretty sure people just think of as a day off of work. Not that I did much on my day off, so far I went to the grocery store. And speaking of, I really hate groceries. They are very expensive and they run out so fast. And why on Earth is cheese so expensive??? It's really ridiculous.

I did manage to go out for a bit this weekend. On Saturday my roommate and I went to the National Geographic Museum. Their exhibit right now was the Birds of Paradise exhibit. It was really cool to walk through and see, but it only took about 10 minutes. It was such a tiny exhibit. But it was cool.

These are 3 different Birds of Paradise, the ones I thought were the prettiest. So the exhibit was full of colorful pictures and a few stuffed birds.

While at the museum we also saw a 3D Sea Monsters movie. it was all about a prehistoric animal called a Dolichorhynchops, or Dolly for short. It was cool, but 3D does make me dizzy.

My roommate and I in our 3D glasses

After the National Geographic Museum my roommate and I ventured to Dupont Circle. Basically, Dupont circle has a ton of stuff to do (restaurants, bookstores, coffee...). So we stopped at Chipotle for a burrito and some warmth since it was so cold that day. and then I found a cute little tea shop in a town called Bathesda, Zen Tara Tea. They had over 100 different kinds of tea and I just told the guy to make me something warm.
It turned out wonderful. I got a Chamomile tea.

Well, I am off the the gym now. I will update you in about a week.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy New Year! Again.

Hello everyone,

Well if you don't understand my title you will in about 2 seconds. This weekend was the Chinese New Year and some of us went down to Chinatown.

Unfortunately this was the only picture I was able to take since we showed up a little later than planned and I am the extraordinary height of 5 feet 1 inches... I'm sure the dancing dragons were really cool, the tall people seemed to think so anyway.But since we were in Chinatown we decided hey, while in Rome... lets get some Chinese food. So we went to a little restaurant on the main road... well note to self: Don't ever go there again. It was just a bad experience, and I didn't even get a fortune cookie. Oh well.

Besides the invisible parade nothing much went on this weekend. I went to Target and spent more on groceries than I needed too, but hey a girls gotta eat. There is something about waling in there that magically makes you shopping list 10 times longer. 

Now for the real reason I'm writing this. I decided to write my blog today because I have some good news for you, my blog for the National Crime Prevention Council was published on the website this morning. I'll give you the link to the website at the end. I was not expecting it to be published today (communication isn't one of the strongest assets...) So it was a nice surprise when I got to work this morning. Made the work day a lot more fun to be honest.

Well that's about all I have for now. Here is a picture of me at work just to fill some space...

And here is the link to my blog

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Walk Like a Resident

Hello everyone!

Sorry it's been so long since I updated this blog. I just really haven't done very much in the last week. I'm at work Tuesday-Friday and I have class on Mondays. Needless to say by the weekend I need my down time.

Johnny Rockets Fries
But busy or not, I still manages to have some fun! This weekend my roommate and I ventured out to the Pentagon City Mall. And what did we find? A Johnny Rockets! You know, that cute little 50's style diner. Yeah it was great to have a burger for the first time since I got to DC. Cooking for yourself really makes you eat healthier.

I have been working tirelessly on my work projects. I love doing all of the Crime Stats research, It's cool for me to see crime trends in different towns. And I have written my first Blog for work. It has been sent off the the editor for some final review. Once that process is done it will be up and published on the website. I'll make sure to put it in this blog to show you all once it's done.

Lately, I've been trying to do some networking and mostly been trying to keep up with my work projects and homework. I'm slowly getting into a schedule so I can get everything I need done. I even make time to read a newspaper every day (since I don't have cable I was really starting to miss out on some news stories)

Since I haven't gone anywhere recently I thought I would put in some pictures of the sights in DC (well, a very minimal amount of them). Down below you see yet another picture of the Capital Building (it's just so darn photogenic!) and the other two pictures are of the Smithsonian Castle. Now I didn't go inside that building, but I mean come on, it's called a castle. I had to take some pictures of it.

If I could, I would put a million pictures in this blog because every single building here is gorgeous. I never get sick of looking at them. I'm sure I've said that before, but that just proves my point.

I am starting to feel more and more like a DC resident. I use the metro without looking at maps. I'm starting to learn where all the stores are. All I need to do now is order pizza and I'll officially be part of DC! (still wary about the pizza thing though).

Well since I don't have much else to talk about at this point I'll stop my mindless rambling.

For now,

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Work, Smithsonian, and Other Things

As some of you know I am interning for the National Crime Prevention Council in their Training and Children and Youth Department. I have been working there for 4 days now. I love it. It's pretty busy, I have a lot of projects that were given to me for my first week.

What's even better is that I am left to do my own thing. I was assigned about 6 projects and left to schedule them on my own. I'm glad it isn't the kind of internship where I'm running around doing menial tasks like getting coffee and such. In fact, I don't even know where the coffee machine is in the office. But I am doing actual work that will eventually (hopefully) be published on their website. That's the coolest part to me, I am doing something that so many other people will get to see.

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Today me and my roommates ventured to the Smithsonian... I'm not repeating the name because it's just too long. But it is a HUGE museum. We walked around for about 3 1/2 hours. And let me tell you, after a while you just get all museumed out. But there were a ton of rooms and they seemed to have a plethora of bones

This guy, is a Giant Ground Sloth

They also had a whole room full of different kinds of Orchids. It was beautiful and smelled so good. I took so many pictures of the flowers.

One display I was excited to see was a forensic display. This guy below is and actual dead guy and you can see all the things they state in the description of how he died. I was so intrigued  It was definitely one of my favorite displays.

And Other Things

Now on Weeknights we don't go out much (mainly because everything is closed) but I have gotten into the habit of watching the Washington Capitals on TV  (only because I don't get the Blackhawks out here easily...). And boy... they are terrible this season. I mean I thought I missed Hockey because of the lockout... but I preferred the lockout to this kind of playing. Well at least the Blackhawks are doing well.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Presidential Inauguration

                              Presidential Inauguration

Today I had the opportunity to go to the Inauguration of President Obama. As you can see by the picture below I was surrounded by people, and the screen only goes to show how many people were actually there. (I don't know if you can tell, but yes, those little dots are people) .

 We stood outside from 8:00am until the end of the Inauguration at about 1:30- 2:00 pm. It was a long chilly morning to say the least. I thought I had lost one of my toes, but it's ok now... she just needed some warmth.

President Obama was sworn into office on two bibles, the Bible of Abraham Lincoln and the Bible of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

 I don't know if going to this was a once in a lifetime thing (I kind of hope not) but It was definitely an amazing experience, despite the frostbite I may have gotten.

There were people walking around handing out American flags, and every time you would normally have clapped the flags would go crazy instead. It was cool to see on screen sure, but even cooler to see in person.
Look at the snipers on top of the building!

We did get to see Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce preform at the event, although I don't care much for either of them so I didn't take any pictures. But some people were more excited when Jay Z and Beyonce showed up than when the President himself got out of the car. I wish it wasn't as cloudy, a lot of my pictures would have turned out better. But you get the point.
