Monday, February 18, 2013

3D Sea Monsters and Presidents Day

Hello Everyone,

For some reason this week I am having a bit of trouble remember everything I did. I mean I guess that's mostly due to the fact that I do almost the same thing every day. So I get into the monotonous routine, I cant remember what was Wednesday and what was 2 weeks ago. Sometimes it is great to have a routine, I can plan to do things around my schedule and know it wont be an issue.

However today is a Monday, and I am not in class so I am able to break the routine a little bit. Today is Presidents day. A holiday I'm pretty sure people just think of as a day off of work. Not that I did much on my day off, so far I went to the grocery store. And speaking of, I really hate groceries. They are very expensive and they run out so fast. And why on Earth is cheese so expensive??? It's really ridiculous.

I did manage to go out for a bit this weekend. On Saturday my roommate and I went to the National Geographic Museum. Their exhibit right now was the Birds of Paradise exhibit. It was really cool to walk through and see, but it only took about 10 minutes. It was such a tiny exhibit. But it was cool.

These are 3 different Birds of Paradise, the ones I thought were the prettiest. So the exhibit was full of colorful pictures and a few stuffed birds.

While at the museum we also saw a 3D Sea Monsters movie. it was all about a prehistoric animal called a Dolichorhynchops, or Dolly for short. It was cool, but 3D does make me dizzy.

My roommate and I in our 3D glasses

After the National Geographic Museum my roommate and I ventured to Dupont Circle. Basically, Dupont circle has a ton of stuff to do (restaurants, bookstores, coffee...). So we stopped at Chipotle for a burrito and some warmth since it was so cold that day. and then I found a cute little tea shop in a town called Bathesda, Zen Tara Tea. They had over 100 different kinds of tea and I just told the guy to make me something warm.
It turned out wonderful. I got a Chamomile tea.

Well, I am off the the gym now. I will update you in about a week.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy New Year! Again.

Hello everyone,

Well if you don't understand my title you will in about 2 seconds. This weekend was the Chinese New Year and some of us went down to Chinatown.

Unfortunately this was the only picture I was able to take since we showed up a little later than planned and I am the extraordinary height of 5 feet 1 inches... I'm sure the dancing dragons were really cool, the tall people seemed to think so anyway.But since we were in Chinatown we decided hey, while in Rome... lets get some Chinese food. So we went to a little restaurant on the main road... well note to self: Don't ever go there again. It was just a bad experience, and I didn't even get a fortune cookie. Oh well.

Besides the invisible parade nothing much went on this weekend. I went to Target and spent more on groceries than I needed too, but hey a girls gotta eat. There is something about waling in there that magically makes you shopping list 10 times longer. 

Now for the real reason I'm writing this. I decided to write my blog today because I have some good news for you, my blog for the National Crime Prevention Council was published on the website this morning. I'll give you the link to the website at the end. I was not expecting it to be published today (communication isn't one of the strongest assets...) So it was a nice surprise when I got to work this morning. Made the work day a lot more fun to be honest.

Well that's about all I have for now. Here is a picture of me at work just to fill some space...

And here is the link to my blog

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Walk Like a Resident

Hello everyone!

Sorry it's been so long since I updated this blog. I just really haven't done very much in the last week. I'm at work Tuesday-Friday and I have class on Mondays. Needless to say by the weekend I need my down time.

Johnny Rockets Fries
But busy or not, I still manages to have some fun! This weekend my roommate and I ventured out to the Pentagon City Mall. And what did we find? A Johnny Rockets! You know, that cute little 50's style diner. Yeah it was great to have a burger for the first time since I got to DC. Cooking for yourself really makes you eat healthier.

I have been working tirelessly on my work projects. I love doing all of the Crime Stats research, It's cool for me to see crime trends in different towns. And I have written my first Blog for work. It has been sent off the the editor for some final review. Once that process is done it will be up and published on the website. I'll make sure to put it in this blog to show you all once it's done.

Lately, I've been trying to do some networking and mostly been trying to keep up with my work projects and homework. I'm slowly getting into a schedule so I can get everything I need done. I even make time to read a newspaper every day (since I don't have cable I was really starting to miss out on some news stories)

Since I haven't gone anywhere recently I thought I would put in some pictures of the sights in DC (well, a very minimal amount of them). Down below you see yet another picture of the Capital Building (it's just so darn photogenic!) and the other two pictures are of the Smithsonian Castle. Now I didn't go inside that building, but I mean come on, it's called a castle. I had to take some pictures of it.

If I could, I would put a million pictures in this blog because every single building here is gorgeous. I never get sick of looking at them. I'm sure I've said that before, but that just proves my point.

I am starting to feel more and more like a DC resident. I use the metro without looking at maps. I'm starting to learn where all the stores are. All I need to do now is order pizza and I'll officially be part of DC! (still wary about the pizza thing though).

Well since I don't have much else to talk about at this point I'll stop my mindless rambling.

For now,